Thursday, December 3, 2009

listing lists

Here are some fun and interesting year(s)-in-review lists:

1. NPR's "All Songs Considered" compiled the 50 most influential songs of the past 10 years. Their rationale for why Britney Spears's "Toxic" makes the list totally helps me justify why it's on my iTunes...

2. The London Times Online has put out their predictions for what to expect in entertainment with a list of 50 movies to watch in 2010. They also have a list of the 100 best films and books of the decade.

3. Chef Mark Bitten posted the top 11 grocery items American's bought last year and it is not a pretty sight. Also check out the 2o worst foods in America in 2009 and say "Chili’s Pepper Pals Country-Fried Chicken Crispers with Ranch Dressing and Homestyle Fries" three times fa-- you know what? I changed my mind. Never say it.

4. has a list titled "The Best Books of 2009... so far." I've read none of them.

5. The Committee to Protect Journalists has a list of the 10 worst countries to be a blogger. Shame on you, Burma.

1 comment:

  1. The word chili, when used as a proper noun to identify a particular restaurant that is home to...oh, you know, is herby stricken from my vocabulary. :)
