Tuesday, June 30, 2009

jubiliess of june: visiting vineyards

Southern Illinois aka "Little Egypt" has very sandy soil which is perfect for growing grapes. There are many vineyards located along the narrow, hilly, winding roads throughout the forest regions. My new favorite is Orlandini Vineyards. Raise your glasses to wine!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

jubiliess of june: learning about louisville

I was itching for another day trip, and Ahmet was going to Louisville anyway, so Pirate and I tagged along. So fun: we toured the beautiful University of Louisville campus, strolled downtown, gawked at the Victorian homes, and ate Thai food on Bardstown Street. We love Louisville!

Monday, June 15, 2009

jubilees of june: rise up with arts!

A summer evening in St. Louis is always pleasant, but this Sunday there was a great surprise: It was the last night of Shakespeare in the Park. So me and P. sat with some very nice folks and watched "Merry Wives of Windsor" sipping wine in the most glorious weather. Then we went off to our planned destination- the Jenny Lewis concert. Here's her video for "Rise Up with Fists!"

Saturday, June 13, 2009

jubilees of june: superman days

The 31st annual Superman Days in Metropolis, Illinois is this weekend. The festival honors the Superman franchise and all that the superhero symbolizes. People parade around in all kinds of costumes and Metropolis fills up with all things small town fair: Rickety rides, cheap crap for sale, and fried things. There are also costume contests, strong man competitions, and comic book workshops. This year, Pirate competed in the Superdog contest as photographer Jimmy Olsen. He wore a bow tie collar with The Daily Planet press pass on it, and got second place for the "Longest Nose/Nosiest Reporter/Clark Kent Award."

Monday, June 8, 2009

jubilees of june: playing in parks

The weather has been fantastic the last few weeks, so before it gets blistering hot, me and the dog are spending lots of time outside taking leisurely strolls, playing hard core games of catch, and even admiring modern sculpture.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

jubilees of june: YYY concert

Just went to see the Yeah Yeah Yeahs in St. Louis, the first concert of the summer. The were fantastic, loud and mod. I like all of their songs/videos but this one is my favorite: