Sunday, May 26, 2013

hello l.a.

School's out and what better way to celebrate the end of my last semester with a big getaway. I wanted to go to L.A. because I've never been and yet I see it so much in popular culture- the glitz, the glamour, the lifestyles of the rich and famous. But it is my new favorite city now not because of the standard tropes like stars on a street, but because there is much more there than that, with so many fantastic surprises: The Getty, the Huntington, the clean beaches, the comics, the architecture, and even, the incredibly friendly drivers (really!).

Friday, May 17, 2013

on smelling: a walk in bloom

Psychologist and animal behaviorist (specializing in dogs!) Alexandra Horowitz came out with a book this year titled On Looking: Eleven Walks with Expert Eyes. Instead of rushing and multitasking when walking, she embraced slowing down and noticing the daily happenings, design, and perspectives all around her. This time of year though, it's the nose that is hyper-aware. This week every walk, bike ride, even drive with the windows down there are glorious waifs of budding nature. So I am focused on breathing deeply now, for each block has a different combination of floral scents.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

springtime, or, what a difference a may day makes

There is a saying in Colorado (or maybe in lots of states but it is said here all the time): If you don't like the weather wait 15 minutes. In this case, it was a few days but extreme. On Sunday it was spring in the best way: there was a kite festival in town, it was 80 degrees and I got a sunburn. Today: I had to pull out my winter gear again to walk through the heavy, wet 10 inches of snow. The good news is whatever the temperature, the pup is always adaptable as long as there is a squeaky toy involved.