Saturday, August 31, 2013

mushroom forest

Every hike this summer began with a question: will there be mushrooms? For months we never saw a one. So on the last hike of the summer the group was prepared to embark on a serious hunt. We didn't search long. In fact, we didn't search at all. The trail that was too snowy to walk just months ago was lined with beautiful fungi- big and little, poisonous and not. Now, porcini picking is on my list of fun things to do: it is really satisfying to peel the spongy part off and see the clean meaty flesh of the cap. Thank goodness for the mushroom expert on the hike who was prepared with a knife, an extra bag, and, most importantly, knew how to spot the edibles.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

hello l.a.

School's out and what better way to celebrate the end of my last semester with a big getaway. I wanted to go to L.A. because I've never been and yet I see it so much in popular culture- the glitz, the glamour, the lifestyles of the rich and famous. But it is my new favorite city now not because of the standard tropes like stars on a street, but because there is much more there than that, with so many fantastic surprises: The Getty, the Huntington, the clean beaches, the comics, the architecture, and even, the incredibly friendly drivers (really!).

Friday, May 17, 2013

on smelling: a walk in bloom

Psychologist and animal behaviorist (specializing in dogs!) Alexandra Horowitz came out with a book this year titled On Looking: Eleven Walks with Expert Eyes. Instead of rushing and multitasking when walking, she embraced slowing down and noticing the daily happenings, design, and perspectives all around her. This time of year though, it's the nose that is hyper-aware. This week every walk, bike ride, even drive with the windows down there are glorious waifs of budding nature. So I am focused on breathing deeply now, for each block has a different combination of floral scents.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

springtime, or, what a difference a may day makes

There is a saying in Colorado (or maybe in lots of states but it is said here all the time): If you don't like the weather wait 15 minutes. In this case, it was a few days but extreme. On Sunday it was spring in the best way: there was a kite festival in town, it was 80 degrees and I got a sunburn. Today: I had to pull out my winter gear again to walk through the heavy, wet 10 inches of snow. The good news is whatever the temperature, the pup is always adaptable as long as there is a squeaky toy involved.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

easter craft

Fun with felting continued in March. Me and mom used styrofoam eggs so it was a really quick process too.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I like the idea of being different. When most zig, I hope to zag. When people say "well of course it is THIS," I have the urge to say "But what about THAT?" When it is time to fly south for spring break, I... drive to North Dakota. So it is not always the best philosophy. This year it was quite cold. I mean exceptionally bitter, pathologically frigid outside. However, it was heartwarming to be with friends and family for the week. A rock concert with the parents, godmother duties and a babysitting gig with my niece, lunch meetings with friends, cooking tutorials with cousins, and a rum/licorice tasting with sister and brother. The pictures were taken near the St. Johns campus in Minnesota. Titled Lean On Me, this art piece , this fairy tea party looking place that is waiting out winter is a metaphor for what I felt this week: among the snow, immersed in harsh temperatures, I still find joy, whimsy, beauty, and comfort in moments I get to share with the people I care about. But sometimes I wished they lived in Arizona.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

the biggest little vacation

Every year I attend a regional conference for scholars living in the West. This year it was in Reno. I always enjoy exploring new cities and meeting up with old school friends, so the fact that I got to have both experiences at the same time was extra fun. Reno was full of extremes which I also relish. We visited Circus Circus, then went to a fancy restaurant, walked along a street full of tattoo/piercing parlors and gentlemen's clubs to go to a yoga class. Lights/glitz/serenity/conversation. What a weekend.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

happy happy birthday

Hungry Hungry Caterpillar is not just a classic tale of extreme herbivorian experimentation. It is now the inspiration for the most epic birthday party ever! Little Miss Niece turned ONE and anyone who is anyone was there. There were games, coloring, candy, and of course, lots of of holey snacks.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


There is a report out about how visits to ski areas are down- the lowest numbers since the early 90s. So, I knew I had to do my part. I did not mind that I never shared a chair lift or skied down empty runs. But it is hard to believe there were not more people out: the sun was shining and the powder was perfect.

Monday, January 21, 2013


One of my friends lives just out of town. In the twenty minute drive to her house, I feel my blood pressure drop. When I turn onto the gravel, I breathe more deeply. When I get out of the car and see the fields around me and unobstructed views of the foothills, I smile. I am so glad she shares her sanctuary with me. We rarely go into the house first. Instead, it is off to the barn, past the bee hives and the solar panels and the shed with the cool toys, to see the animals. Beautiful bunnies, sassy hens, and now elegant quail. The quail have just begun to lay eggs so today I took pictures of these small, perfect, shockingly white eggs. These are my favorite.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

the small town

If you only drive on interstates you miss many opportunities to see the farms, trains, and towns that pepper our landscape. Of course there are cliches of tiny towns: the charm, the feel, the simple life. I think those are said by people that don't live in them. Many are rough, run down, and getting smaller. I think I started liking small towns when I was able to walk from my grandma's store to her house in just a few blocks, and hit multiple golf balls for each hole of the course because no one was behind us. Now I like taking the highways and stopping at a few that catch my eye. This is Dannebrog, the Danish Capital of Nebraska.

Friday, January 4, 2013


The 2,500 miles of Christmas travel are completed. Houseguests have said goodbyes. Three weeks of wonderful times full of family, friends, and fun are finished for awhile. Today, Pirate and I are going to take naps in the sun.


Every hike is a joy in its own way. Yesterday's hike was fun because it was with friends, we shuffled on the iced-over pond as it creaked and moaned, I got to see the changes winter brings on this path I traveled five months prior, and did one of my favorite things- jumping on rocks. Rachel Carson has a fitting quote for why these hikes always work for me: “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature- the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”