Friday, April 24, 2009


F. Matthias Alexander believed that with the right mindset, one could break bad habits. He was particularly interested in re-educating the body to remember its correct form from youth. For over one hundred years, artists, signers, musicians (and John Dewey, who was a huge fan) have used the Alexander Technique to reach their full potential as performers. I participate in A.T. as a way to bring consciousness to my daily practices of walking and sitting and to strengthen my sensory and spinal movements. Plus, it feels amazing and sometimes you walk out of your session two inches taller than when you came in.

1 comment:

  1. Woot woot Alexander for making me 2 inches taller! Thank you so much Jessie for introducing me to this life-saving method!
    Um, did I just type woot woot? Just saying.
