Monday, April 20, 2009

strange tv

Remember those after school specials with messages of abstinence and staying off drugs? Alumni from Second City, Amy Sedaris, Steven Colbert, and Paul Dinello, completely subvert the genre, changing it to a half hour comedy that shocks and delights. The show stars Sedaris as Jerri Blank, a 48-year-old who returns to high school after being a teenage runaway (for 32 years). It was great to discover that has compiled all of the episodes so we can watch them once again! The show offers so many valuable life lessons to learn and take to heart. Here are just a few:

On cooking: "You can't unfry things."
On excuses: "If wishes and buts were clusters of nuts, we'd all have a bowl of granola."
On safe sex: "Thanks to penicillin there's no need to be careful. Penicillin is Nature's condom."
On friendship: "If I'm spending less time with you it only means I'm spending more time with others."

Happy viewing!

1 comment:

  1. Your selection of quotations is excellent. Who better to impart these little nuggets of wisdom than the keen mind of Amy Sedaris and co.?
