Thursday, April 9, 2009

rice is nice, vocab is fab

Playing with vocabulary means:

a. donating rice to the UN
b. showing off that you are a smarty pants
c. to procrastinate (but it's for the greater good!)
d. all of the above

If you chose "d" then you are right. The Free Rice website has 60 different levels to test your vocabulary skills. For every correct answer, ten grains of rice are donated to the UN food program. Watch your virtual wooden bowl fill up after you prove you know what "katzenjammer" means. Could you do a sharp post-colonial critique of this site? Sure. But you know you're going to waste some time today- so why not give your mind, and a food bank, a boost?

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Be a smarty pants and fight world hunger? Count me in. This is the best justification for procrastination I've seen in a while. Thanks!
