Monday, April 27, 2009

talking trash

The Composters is an eco-feminist performance duo that combines activism for Earth and humor. Mary Mercury and Glenda Greenhouse (their stage personas) met in graduate school at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. After a performance class where they wrapped themselves up in trash bags and mused about where "away" really is when you throw away, the two joined to form The Composters. They have been featured in Bitch Magazine, host a radio show, tour college campuses, and are currently writing a book. They are definitely pretty crumpets. To see some of their wonderful wit, their earthy excentricities, and their humus humor, visit their blog, check them out on MySpace or become a Facebook fan.

1 comment:

  1. geez, this is so great! thank you for such a sweet and flattering shout out! you made my night in a big way here.
